Hello all,
We hope that you and your families are all well, safe and all children had a good start of the new academic year at the English state schools this week.
We would like to give you an update on the latest developments for the Greek School of St. Nicholas.
We were expecting a very challenging start of the new academic year and it proves to be so.
One of the main issues that we have faced, along with most community/supplementary schools that hire facilities from English state schools is that due to the COVID-19 crisis the English schools are reluctant to hire their facilities.
We had already been informed by the school that we use in the Chester area that they are not able to rent any classrooms to us. The Broadgreen International school in Liverpool will respond to us by next Wednesday 09th September.
We have already started enquiries with other schools, the Liverpool City Council and the Liverpool Supplementary Schools Network in finding alternative facilities.
The start dates of the new academic year remain as they are and if required we will revert back to the online lessons until suitable facilities are found.
More updates and information will become available next week as soon as we are able to do so.
If you require any additional information please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best regards,
Panagiotis Maropakis
President of the school committee
Greek School of St. Nicholas Liverpool
Greek School of St. Nicholas Liverpool
Θα θέλαμε να σας ενημερώσουμε ότι το Ελληνικό Παροικιακό σχολείο Αγ. Νικολάου Λίβερπουλ θα διοργανώσει ένα Καλλιτεχνικό εργαστήρι Χριστουγεννιάτικων δραστηριοτήτων και δημιουργίας στολιδιών το Σάββατο 15 Δεκεμβρίου μεταξύ 12:00 και 2:00 μμ. στον πρώτο όροφο του Stephenson buildingστο Broadgreen International School (Heliers Road - L13 4DH).
Όλα τα παιδιά είναι ευπρόσδεκτα.
Μετά τις δραστηριότητες θα υπάρχει μπουφές για τα παιδιά, γονείς και τους επισκέπτες.
Επίσης την Κυριακή 16 Δεκεμβρίου τα παιδιά του Ελληνικού Παροικιακού σχολείου Αγ. Νικολάου Λίβερπουλ θα τραγουδήσουν Χριστουγεννιάτικα τραγούδια και τα κάλαντα στην εκκλησία μετά την Θεία Λειτουργία. Οι μαθητές μας παρακαλούνται να βρίσκονται στην εκκκλησία στις 12:45μμ. ή νωρίτερα αν θέλουν να παρακολουθήσουν όλοι την Θεία Λειτουργία.
Με εκτίμηση,
Δάσκαλοι και σχολική επιτροπή
We would like to inform you that the Greek School of St. Nicholas Liverpool will host a Christmas arts/crafts and decorations workshop on Saturday 15th December, between 12:00 and 2:00 pm on the first floor of the Stephenson building at the Broadgreen International School (Heliers Road - L13 4DH).
All children are welcome.
After the activities there will be a buffet for children, parents and guests.
Also on Sunday the 16th of December the children of the Greek School of St. Nicholas Liverpool will sing Christmas songs and carols in the church after the Divine Liturgy. Our students are kindly requested to be in the church at 12: 45pm. or earlier if everyone wants to attend the Divine Liturgy.
Yours sincerely,
Teachers and school committee
Αγαπητοί γονείς/κηδεμόνες,
Το Σάββατο, 30/06/2018, θα πραγματοποιηθεί συνάντηση γονέων και δασκάλων, με σκοπό την ενημέρωση σας για την πρόοδο των παιδιών και την λειτουργεία των τάξεων.
Θα έχετε την ευκαιρία να μιλήσετε με τον δάσκαλο της τάξης την οποία παρακολουθούν τα παιδια σας και να συζητήσετε την πρόοδο τους, να εκφράσετε τυχόν απορίες αλλά και ιδέες και να μάθετε τα πλάνα για την επόμενη σχολική χρονιά. Επίσης, μπορείτε να συζητήσετε για την διδακτέα ύλη και το επίπεδο των παιδιών.
Για την ομαλή λειτουργεία του σχολείου ώστε τα μαθήματα να γίνουν κανονικά το Σάββατο, η συνάντηση με τον εκάστοτε δάσκαλο θα πραγματοποιείται στο Main Hall (ground floor) για μισή ώρα ανά τάξη.
Παρακάτω θα βρείτε τις ώρες που μπορείτε να συναντήσετε τον δάσκαλο της τάξης. Αν η ώρα δεν ειναι βολική, οι δάσκαλοι θα ειναι διαθέσιμοι και κατά την διάρκεια του διαλείμματος, ή μπορείτε να κανονίσετε να συναντηθείτε κάποια άλλη μέρα, πριν την αρχή του μαθήματος ή στο τέλος της ημέρας.
12:00-12:30 Ε'-ΣΤ' τάξεις δημοτικού (προχωρημένο επίπεδο), Αναστασία Τσέλικα
12:30-13:00 Προδημοτική, Χριστίνα Μωραΐτη
13:00-13:30 Pre GCSE / GCSE / AS level, Αντρέας Τοφής & Στέλλα Παναρέτου
14:00-14:30 Α ´ - Α ´ προχωρημένη, Μαρίνα Γεωργίου
14:30-15:00 Β ´- Β ´ προχωρημένη, Κατερίνα Πατέρα
15:00-15:30 Γ´προχωρημένη / Δ´τάξη, Έλια Αργυρίου
Με φιλικούς χαιρετισμούς,
Η Διευθύντρια και ο σύλλογος δασκάλων
Dear parents/guardians,
We would like to invite you to a meeting between teachers and parents on Saturday 30/06/2018, in order to give you feedback on your children progress and the lesson plans.
The parents will have the chance to speak to the teacher, ask questions and get information on the curriculum and the plans for next year.
In order to keep any disruption minimum the meeting with each teacher will take place in the main hall for half an hour per class. The lessons will take place in the classrooms as normal.
Please find below the timetable. If the time is not suitable the teachers will also be available during the lunch break or you can make a separate arrangement with the teachers.
12:30-13:00 Reception, Christina Moraiti
13:00-13:30 Pre GCSE / GCSE / AS level, Stella Panaretou & Andy Tofi
14:00-14:30 Α ´ - Α ´+, Marina Georgiou
14:30-15:00 Β ´- Β ´+ class, Katerina Patera
15:00-15:30 Γ´ / Δ´ class, Elia Argiriou
Kindest regards,
Head teacher and teachers
Dear All,
Enrolments have started! For more details please feel free to message us through facebook, email at liverpoolgreekschool@hotmail.co.uk or call: 07877 203647
We are looking forward to seeing you all soon.
Best wishes,
Teachers and school committee
Greek school of St. Nicholas Liverpool
We are very proud to announce that our school has successfully passed the appraisal process for the third stage of the accreditation process by the National Resource Centre of Supplementary Education (NRCSE) and we have been awarded the NRCSE GOLD AWARD!!!
Big 'thanks' to all committee members, teachers, parents and students who have assisted us. As well as Gosia McKane NRCSE Regional Manager and our NRCSE mentor Andre Olchowski who supported us though the process. @QFAwards, #supplementaryschools
School Routine Changes
Dear Parents and children,
We hope that you and your families are well.
We would like to bring to your attention the below:
1) Broadgreen International School arrangements - 10/06/2017
Broadgreen School has informed us that due to GCSE exams revisions the first floor will not be available this Saturday - 10/06/2017
Please bear in mind the following:
The classes will take place on the 2nd floor and the parents will be able to sit in the Bistro. The children will have their lunch break in the bistro as normal.
2) Broadgreen International School arrangements - 17/06/2017
Broadgreen School has informed us that they will host a community event on Saturday morning - 17/06/2017 - that will overlap with the time that our school will be in the premises.
We aim to run our operations as normal with the minimum disruption. Please bear in mind the following:
The classes will take place on the 1st floor and the parents will be able to sit in the staff room as normal. The children will have their lunch break in the bistro.
Parents can use the Ringcroft Road car park that will open for the Greek School.
We will not hold a school assembly at the start of the day but children are requested to go straight to their classrooms.
The AGM will take place as per previous communication on the 2nd floor.At the same time, in order to keep the Greek School operations running as smoothly as possible on both days and maintaining a safe environment we will request that:
All teachers and parents instruct the children to remain ONLY within the designated areas for the Greek school and to be accompanied by a teacher or parent at all times.
We appreciate your cooperation and support with this matter!
Best regards,
Teachers and School Committee
Greek School of St. Nicholas Liverpool
General Annual Meeting
Annual General Meeting
Dear all,
We would like to invite you to the school committee 'Annual general meeting' presentation on Saturday 17th June 2017 at Room S1, second floor, Stephenson Building, Broadgreen International School.
The presentation will take place at 12:30pm in English and 14:10pm in Greek.
At the end of the presentation, the election for the vacant position of one school committee member will take place. There will also be opportunity to vote by email or postal vote before the date of the meeting for whoever cannot attend and details will be sent in a separate communication.
If you require any additional information please feel free to contact us.
Best regards,
Panagiotis Maropakis
School committee
Greek school of St. Nicholas Liverpool
Call for Candidates
Dear parents,
We would like to invite parents that wish to become candidates for the vacant position of one the 3 elected members of the school committee to confirm by email to both : liverpoolgreekschool@hotmail.co.uk
and gsosn.elections@gmail.com
by the 12th June 2017.
We also need 1-2 scrutineers for the elections. If you are interested to become one, please let us know by email at the same email addresses above.
If you require any additional information please feel free to contact us.
Best regards,
Panagiotis Maropakis
School committee
Greek school of St. Nicholas Liverpool
Dear all,
We would like to emphasise that the Greek School of St. Nicholas Liverpool is an inclusive organisation, open to all that wish to learn about the Greek language, customs, traditions and faith regardless of their origin or where they come from.
The school operates a 'Zero tolerance' policy on any racist, abusive, violent, aggressive, defamatory, threatening, or intimidating behaviour against any member of the school committee, teacher, student or parent.
If any such incident comes to your attention please do not hesitate to report it to any member of the school committee. The school committee will take any necessary action to address it which in extreme cases will involve reporting the incident to the relevant law enforcement authority.
Best regards,
Panagiotis Maropakis
Anastasios Sgouros
Theocharis Neophytou
Fitoulla Neophitou
School Committee
Greek School of St Nicholas Liverpool
Το Ελληνικό Παροικιακό σχολείο του Αγίου Νικολάου Λίβερπουλ ανακοινώνει ότι η κοπή της 'Βασιλόπιτας' για το Νέο Έτος θα λάβει μέρος αυτό το Σάββατο 23 Ιανουαρίου 2017 στην καντίνα του Broadgreen International School στις 14:00.
Τα παιδιά του σχολείου μας θα τραγουδήσουν τα Πρωτοχρονιάτικα κάλαντα.
Θα είναι χαρά μας να σας δούμε εκεί.
Ελληνικό Παροικιακό Σχολείο Αγ. Νικολάου Λίβερπουλ
We would like to inform you that the Greek school of St. Nicholas will cut the 'Vasilopita' - St. Vasilios (New Year) cake on Saturday 23th January 2017 in the Broadgreen International School Canteen at 14:00.
Our students will sing the New Year carols.
We would love to see all of our students, parents and friends there.
Greek School of St. Nicholas Liverpool
Dear all,
We would like to bring to your attention the below dates/events:
- Sunday 4th December 2016 - Greek School Christmas Dinner in 'The Real Greeks' restaurant in St. Helens at 16:00. Ticket only event.
- Saturday 10th December 2016 - Greek School 'Christmas Jumper' Day. Teachers, students and parents are invited to put on their Christmas jumpers (the funnier, the better) and try our mince pies.
- Saturday 17th December 2016 - Greek School Christmas celebration. We will be very happy if you join us on the last day before our Christmas holidays to enjoy the pupils Christmas performances and a light buffet. Detailed program for the activities will follow this week.
- Saturday 7th January 2017 - School start date for new year. Greek language adult classes, Crosby and Wavertree branch will start the respective dates week commencing 09th January 2016
- Sunday 8th January 2017 - Greek school parents and children visit to Liverpool St. George Hall 'Dreamworks Lantern Experience'. A parent's led outing to an illuminated walk-through experience at the iconic St. George's Hall in Liverpool. More information could be found at: https://dreamworkslights.com/
The cost will be £6 per person/child (for a group of at least 12). Please confirm your attendance by the 10th December 2016 as one or two time slots will need to be booked depending on the number of attendees.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any additional information.
Best wishes,
Teachers and school committee
Greek school of St. Nicholas Liverpool
Christmas Dinner
Αγαπητοί μαθητές, γονείς, δάσκαλοι και φίλοι
του Παροικιακού σχολείου Αγ. Νικολάου Λίβερπουλ,
Θα θέλαμε να σας προσκαλέσουμε στο Χριστουγεννιάτικο δείπνο μας στο εστιατόριο 'The Real Greeks' στις 04 Δεκεμβρίου 2016, ώρα 16:00 για μια βραδυά με άφθονη Ελληνική μουσική και χορό. Για κρατήσεις και πληροφορίες επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας μέσω email ή με τα μέλη της σχολικής επιτροπής κατά την διάρκεια του σχολείου ή στο 07877 203647.
Θα είναι χαρά μας να σας δούμε εκεί.
Η Σχολική επιτροπή
Dear all,
We would like to invite you to our Christmas Charity Dinner on the 04th December 2016 at 16:00 in 'The Real Greeks' restaurant.If you wish to make a reservation contact us on 07877203647.
We will be very pleased to see you there.
Best regards,
School Committee
International Day of Languages
Dear all,
We were very proud to participate and support the 'International Day of Languages' event with Liverpool Council, NRCSE and Liverpool Supplementary schools network on the 8th October 2016 at Broadgreen International School. The event celebrates all the languages spoken around the world, promotes language learning , at any age, in and out of school. It also gives the Liverpool Supplementary schools the opportunity to display their work and their contribution to the rich cultural heritage in the city, bring different communities together and have some multilingual fun!During the event our school also received our certificates for the Bronze and Silver Award of the NRCSE Quality Framework.
Ημέρες έναρξης σχολικής χρονιάς - Start dates for the new academic year
Ετήσια Ενημέρωση 2016/ Annual General Meeting 2016
Αγαπητοί γονείς,
Θα θέλαμε, να σας προσκαλέσουμε στην ετήσια ενημέρωση/απολογισμό της χρονιάς από την σχολική επιτροπή το Σάββατο 18 Ιουνίου στις 14:00 στο main hall του Broadgreen International School για την ενημέρωσή σας.
Για οποιαδήποτε πληροφορία μην διστάσετε ,να επικοινωνήσετε μαζί μου.
Με εκτίμηση,
Παναγιώτης Μαροπάκης
Σχολική Επιτροπή
Ελληνικό Παροικιακό Σχολείο Αγ. Νικολάου Λίβερπουλ.
Dear parents,
We would like to invite you to the school committee 'Annual Report' presentation on Saturday 18th June at Broadgreen International School main hall on the ground floor.
The presentation will take place at 12:10pm in English and 14:00pm in Greek.
If you require any additional information please feel free to contact us.
Best regards,
Panagiotis Maropakis
School committee
Greek school of St. Nicholas Liverpool
Αγαπητοί γονείς, μαθητές και μέλη της σχολικής επιτροπής,
Θα θέλαμε να σας ενημερώσουμε ότι την Κυριακή 22/05/2016 το προσωπικό του σχολείου παρακολούθησε εκπαιδευτικό σεμινάριο με θέμα "Επικοινωνιακές προσεγγίσεις και μέθοδοι διδασκαλίας για εκμάθηση νέου λεξιλογίου". Ευχαριστούμε πολύ την Κυπριακή Εκπαιδευτική Αποστολή για την πρόσκληση, τη φιλοξενία του Ελληνικού Παροικιακού σχολείου Manchester, καθώς επίσης και τις εισηγήτριες Δρ. Μύρια Πιερίδου και Δρ. Μαρία Καμπούρη.
Με εκτίμηση ,
Η διευθύντρια και οι δάσκαλοι.
Dear parents,
We would like to invite you to a meeting between teachers and parents on Saturday 21/5/2016, in order to give you feedback on your children progress and the lesson plans.
The parents will have the chance to speak to the teacher, ask questions and get information on the curriculum and the plans for next year.
In order to keep any disruption minimum the meeting with each teacher will take place in the main hall for half an hour per class.
Please find below the timetable. If the time is not suitable the teachers will also be available during the lunch break or you can make a separate arrangement with the teachers.
12:15-12:45 Β'-Ε' advanced class
12:45-13:15 Γ´+ / Δ´ class
12:45-13:15 Β ´- Β ´+ / Γ´ class
13:10-13:30 Pre GCSE 2 / AS level
13:10-13:30 Στ´class / Pre GCSE
14:00-14:30 Reception
14:30-15:00 Α ´ - Α +
15:00-15:30 Nursery
Kindest regards,
Head teacher and teachers
Dear Parents, Children, Teachers and Committee Members,
We would like to inform you that our school achieved a Silver Award in the Quality framework for Supplementary Schools.This recommendation is endorsed by National Resource Centre for Supplementary Education and confirms that we created a very good learning enviroment.